Translator, electronic translator

Electronic speech and writing translators

An electronic translator is a device that instantly translates spoken words into the target language. For this purpose, it uses an Internet connection to an AI server, i.e. it uses artificial intelligence. (in order for the translator to use it, it must be connected to a Wi-Fi or GSM network). The device performs bidirectional translation, so it is able to translate words/sentences into a language we do not know, as well as translate sentences in a foreign language into the one we speak or one of the selected foreign languages available in a given version of the translator.

The device not only translates single words or sentences but also captures the context of the statement. The number of languages recognized by the voice translator depends on the device version and manufacturer.

Any conversation in a foreign language will be possible. You speak, the translator translates and speaks the translation aloud in the selected language. Efficiency, simplicity and comfort in one.

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